Last updated: February 2025 
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Solar Keymark

Solar Keymark

        • One valid test for all European countries
        • Easier introduction of new products in different European countries
        • Simpler testing procedure: administrative and tests costs optimized
        • Simplified procedures for replacing components in certified  products
        • Freedom of choice amongst accredited test labs
        • Increase of business opportunities
        • Encourages market growth
        • Ensures quality of certified product

SOLAR KEYMARK – transposes trade barriers, providing access to incentives


        1. reduce of administrative costs and tests
        2. product and system certification
        3. increases consumer trust
        4. improvement of opportunities to develop changes
        5. improves the company's image
        6. improves the image of the solar thermal industry
        7. it is the passport to the European market for solar thermal products

Solar Keymark is the first quality mark recognized internationally for solar thermal products. It is based on three points:

    1. initial tests according to EN 12975 and/or EN 12976 standards
    2. have implemented a quality system management
    3. annual review of quality system management and inspection factory every second year (for ISO 9001 certified companies)
By obtaining the Solar Keymark the company clearly demonstrates the quality of manufacture of their product and is also qualified for regulatory schemes and for several finantial incentives for many European markets. It is easy to become recognized on market's route.

The current acceptance widespread of keymark

Solar Keymark is becoming the mainstream. Most European countries accepts Solar Keymark or at least EN 12975 and EN 12976 standards. However there are countries having additional regulatory, as Spain and Germany.

Today: an European market completely open

Nowadays the solar keymark goal has been reached: a European market completely open through Solar Keymark recognition as a European quality mark, accepted by subsidiary schemes

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